Artist statement

I Have lived and worked and raised a family in Silicon Valley for over 50 years.Today I maintain a studio in the Alameda Art Works. I work in painting on canvas and paper. Many elements in my work are often a language I can not read. I feel these images are forms from my life experiences or my own personal folklore. I paint with black and creams In the abstract. Much of my art encourages many Interpretations, that’s the beauty and mystery of artistic expression and sharing my art with the world.

I Have lived and worked and raised a family in Silicon Valley for over 50 years.Today I maintain a studio in the Alameda Art Works. I work in painting on canvas and paper. Many elements in my work are often a language I can not read. I feel these images are forms from my life experiences or my own personal folklore. I paint with black and creams In the abstract. Much of my art encourages many Interpretations, that’s the beauty and mystery of artistic expression and sharing my art with the world.


Lives and works in San Jose, California.

Helen Bellaver is a studio painter currently working in water-based media on paper and canvas. Bellaver has been an exhibiting artist since 1970 and has worked in commercial and nonprofit galleries. While Bellaver considers herself self-taught. she has worked in the SanFrancisco Bay Area art community for nearly 4 decades. She has held professional positions ranging from gallery manager, corporate art program coordinator, gallery assistant, and gallery installer. In 2000 Bellaver dedicated herself to full-time studio practice.

Bellaver has had many influences that have affected her work over the years. In the 1990’s she obtained a Griffin Press and found that working in printmaking was an art-process breakthrough that influenced her vision and direction. Today the artist is inspired by Francis Bacon for his bravery, boldness and color, Joan Schultz for her Poetic License, Brice Marsden for his genius in line and all artist story tellers.

Bellaver’s art is included in numerous public and private collections such as the Triton Museum, Nexter Therapeutics Corporation and TelCruz Technology. Since the 1970’s, She has exhibited her prints and paintings at the Silicon Valley Arts Council, CKS Partners Corp., at Bechtel International, Stanford University, The San Jose Art League, The San Francisco Arts Commission, The new Firehouse Art Center and many other venues. In 2019, Bellaver’s work was featured in publicity materials for the New York City theatre production of Bad Egg by Cyclops Theatre Company. In 2015, the artist’s print “Passage” was inducted into the Library of Congress Print & Photography Division with the California Society of Printmakers.